Video: Plz Don’t Stick Us With Randos

If you’re considering video, we strongly ask / rec / beg that you choose to hire one of our video partners listed below.

Why you ask? Because while working at weddings, photographers and videographers must work in synchronicity, tandem, & harmony. We share so much creative and physical space at weddings, so it’s quite important that we vibe well.

Working alongside a team we know and trust makes an intense wedding workday run so much smoother & allows our creativity to shine, which in the end, benefits you the most.

When working with someone new, it is always a little awkward at first and takes shooting a few weddings together to learn each other's moves. They may have an entirely different approach than we do, or give direction that clashes with ours.

These differences can cause communication blocks, which impact our work, mood, and creative flow.

So we’ve put together a list of talented videographers that we love working with. *Emily and Matty worked under our brand for years and shoot exclusively for our clients, so don’t forget to mention us if you reach out to them.


Thank You,

Chellise & Mike


Norms Pizza, Mr Lime, Spilled Drinks, Lotsa Film


Pizza Party Wedding at Pan Bushwick