Norms Pizza, Mr Lime, Spilled Drinks, Lotsa Film

For our first date, we met at the Redhook Tavern, where everybody knows their name. Let’s just say they got access that nobody else is gonna get and we took full advantage. The light in Redhook Tavern is so juicy good it oozes. After a couple of boozy cocktails (love you auto-focus) we went back to their place and hung out (drank more let’s b real) took it easy, took more snaps, listened to music, talked about our Moms, and headed out to pick up the tastiest pizza-pie from their favorite pizzeria Norms. PSA: Norms Pizza is really good. It was so good I saved it in my Google Maps… with a heart.



All Together


Video: Plz Don’t Stick Us With Randos