The Canal is for Lovers


You live a block away from the Gowanus canal. I brought red wine and a chicken parmesan from Smith St to your apartment. It took them forever to cook. I had to look up your phone number and let you know I was running late because I was so hungry. I never run late for these shoots. I didn’t realize you’d have snacks laid out in the kitchen. My bad. We sat across from one another at the table as the windows behind you sipped on low November light. A giant Halloween spider sat sill above your counter space as your cat slid his paw up the automatic feeders throat, loosening one dry food pellet to munch on. We laughed a thousand times, and got stone serious, and snacked and drank until finally, my cameras started sticking their paws down my throat and asking me to feed them pictures of you. I guess we were all hungry. 

Shot by Mike on film in Gowanus, Brooklyn. 2023 


Hotel Chelsea: The Piano Room Ceremony


Rainy Day BK City Hall on Film