Wet Hot American Wedding at Gather Greene

The things people say when they contact us give us profound insight into who they are from the get-go. What & how they write tells us so much about them and their personalities. Oftentimes, we refer back to these initial words days before shooting their wedding as a reminder of what they wrote, and We carry those words with us as intention throughout the day.

So for this post, I decided to dig up the inquiry form that Cory sent to us about shooting their wedding — because reading her words, then seeing their wedding photos is an entirely different experience than just seeing the photos without context.

a wet hot american wedding at gather greene

Responses like this are the epitome of inquiries we love reading. Heartfelt, honest, and wildly descriptive while giving us a glimpse of their values and personalities. Words make us cross our fingers, hoping that we’re available on their date.

With that... our contact us form:

Tell us about you two and what your wedding will be like:

“Him: The kindest kitten eyes you've ever seen. Social justice warrior. Voracious reader. Loyal and loving brother, uncle, and friend. Outgoing introvert. Pisces. Also, tall, really tall, like 6 foot 5 tall.

Her: Emotionally hardcore Capricorn. Proud cat-mom. A fierce defender of the vulnerable. Wears a lot of overalls. 80s baby with 70s style and 60s music. A strong believer in essential oils and the healing power of hot water. Also, loves cats, really loves cats”.

“Art Direction: Think- Young Frida Kahlo goes to summer camp in the Catskills and makes out with Sam Shakusky (of Moonrise Kingdom) in 1972. It's our Wet Hot American Wedding.

Vibes: We aren't interested in a traditional wedding solely about us, but rather a weekend that celebrates our entire community. We want to create an event that will embody the spirit and ethos of the weird family we’ve built (and continue to build) after traversing various cities and countries over the past decade”.

What Draws You To Our Work?

“Holy shit, everything. You don't shoot wedding photography, you create art. (Okay, you do shoot weddings, but you get what I mean.) We are not interested in traditional bright white cookie-cuter gag-me photography that documents our wedding day. Rather, we're interested in photography that will evoke the spirit of our day, our love, and our community. To us, your photography reads equal parts haunting, hilarious, introspective, and emotional. This is exactly what we want”

Shot by Chellise & Mike on 35mm & Digital


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